Polyurethane crack Injection consists of injecting leaking cracks with an epoxy resin at high pressure. This type of repair is most successful on cast-in-place concrete walls and suspended slabs. Polyurethane injections are commonly conducted in underground parking garages, water treatment plants, basement foundation walls, structural walls, concrete tunnels, elevator shafts, concrete utility vaults and concrete pools. This method of leak repair is the least expensive repair method while providing a permanent seal when properly injected into a crack.
There are two types of polyurethane grouts that are typically used, hydrophobic and hydrophilic. Hydrophobic grout repels, has high expansion, and cures rigid. Hydrophilic grout absorbs water, has lower expansion, and cures to a flexible foam. Both types require an actively leaking crack as they become activated by water.
Fast Foaming Injection Resin:
A solvent free, low viscosity, polyurethane based elastomeric resin.
Rigid Bonding Injection Resin:
A solvent free, low viscosity, epoxy-based Duromer resin.
Flexible Sealing Injection Resin:
Solvent free, low viscosity polyurethane based elastomeric resin.
Elastic Sealing Injection Resin:
A solvent free, low viscosity, acrylic based hydro structural resin.